Launch Viewer Registry entry

Specify which image to display when there are multiple versions of an image in a Multimedia record. The image closest in size (but not exceeding) the dimensions specified will display. This Registry entry has been superseded by the Images | Default Registry entry.


This Registry entry can be assigned to users, groups and system-wide:

Key User Group System
Key 1 User Group System
Key 2 user group Setting
Key 3 Setting Multimedia
Key 4 Multimedia Launch Viewer
Key 5 Launch Viewer  
Value width:height



are the maximum width and height of the image to be shown when the viewer is launched by default.

With a setting of 640:480, double-clicking an image will result in an external viewer being launched to display the image closest in size to 640x480 pixels (but not exceeding it in any one direction).

Note: If the original image is less than 640x480 pixels, it is always used in preference to an enlarged image. If this Registry entry is not set, the original image is always shown.

Note: The Launch Viewer Registry entry does not restrict a user / group from accessing larger images, it only determines which image is displayed by default as described above. Users will continue to have access to all available resolutions on the Resolutions tab of the Multimedia module and using the View option on the Multimedia tab of the Ribbon. The Maximum Registry entry can be used to restrict access to all media (not just images) based on size.


The original image for a particular multimedia record is 1200x800 pixels. Other resolutions have been generated from the original, including 400x300 and 800x600. This entry defines which image to display when the user double-clicks the thumbnail. The 800x600 version of the image will display by default:

Key Setting
Key 1 System
Key 2 Setting
Key 3 Multimedia
Key 4 Launch Viewer
Value 700:500